Exomide Exosome Therapy at Erin Aesthetics

Introducing Exosomes: Everything You Need to Know About Exomide Exosomes!

Exosomes are the latest cutting-edge technology in skin care products, and we are delighted to introduce Exomide Exosome therapy at Erin Aesthetics. Originating from South Korea, this advanced approach employs nanosized vesicles, known as exosomes, secreted by stem cells, to deliver remarkable benefits for your skin.

What Are Exosomes?
Exosomes are nanosized vesicles secreted by cells within our body, acting as crucial information carriers. These tiny, powerful entities influence other cells they encounter, helping to coordinate various cellular processes. At Erin Aesthetics, we use exosomes developed by Exomide, derived from ethically sourced, healthy human adipose tissue. This derivative is incredibly stable and controlled, with no DNA component, ensuring the cells cannot mutate.

Think of exosomes as a supercharged multivitamin for your skin. They contain vital ingredients such as growth factors, amino acids, peptides, niacinamide, hyaluronic acid, and glutathione. These components offer numerous benefits, including enhanced cell communication, regeneration, and overall skin rejuvenation. 

Who Are Exosomes Suitable For?
Exosomes are suitable for all ages and skin types. They are especially beneficial for those looking to enhance the effects of collagen-stimulating treatments. Exosomes are also safe during pregnancy and can be integrated with our other Erin Aesthetics pregnancy-safe skin treatments.

What Are the Effects of Exosomes on the Skin?
Exosomes boast powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The enhanced cell-to-cell communication influences cell regeneration, tissue repair and immune regulation. 

At Erin Aesthetics, we combine exosomes with advanced treatments such as Dermapen skin Needling, Genius® skin needling with radio-frequency and Tixel ® to maximise their benefits. These treatments enhance the penetration and effectiveness of exosomes, promoting optimal skin health and rejuvenation.

Why Combine Exosomes with Skin Needling and Genius®
Skin needling, or micro-needling, creates tiny injuries in the skin, stimulating the body’s natural healing process and boosting collagen production. When combined with exosomes, the effects are amplified. The micro-injuries facilitate better absorption of exosomes, allowing essential growth factors, peptides, and other beneficial molecules to penetrate deeply into the skin. This results in improved texture, tone, and overall rejuvenation.

Why combine Exosomes with Tixel ®
 ® is a thermal fractional skin rejuvenation system that uses controlled heat to create microchannels in the skin. When used alongside exosomes, these microchannels enhance the delivery and absorption of exosomes into the deeper layers of the skin. This combination boosts collagen production, improves skin elasticity, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, and promotes overall skin rejuvenation and repair. 

What Conditions Can Exosomes Treat?

  • Ageing skin (laxity, fine lines and wrinkles)

  • Sun damage

  • Hyperpigmentation

  • Acne scars

  • Lacklustre, dull skin

Is There Downtime After Treatment?

Exosome infusion does not produce any additional downtime to the treatment they are combined with. They will aid in the recovery process of treatments when used in combination. 

What Results Can You Expect?

  • Enhanced skin texture and tone

  • Reduction in fine lines and wrinkles

  • Improved elasticity and firmness

  • Brighter complexion

  • Reduction in acne scars and hyperpigmentation

  • Overall rejuvenated and healthier-looking skin

At Erin Aesthetics, we are dedicated to offering the most advanced and effective skincare solutions. Exomide represents a significant leap in skincare technology, providing you with the benefits of cutting-edge science in a safe, effective, and minimally invasive treatment. Discover the transformative power of exosomes and achieve the radiant, youthful skin you deserve.

Erin Thompson