PRP Treatments at Erin Aesthetics Perth clinics improves skin texture, tone and hydration, reducing fine lines and wrinkles and tightens the skin.

Platelets from your own blood are used to stimulate collagen, elastin and cellular growth. It is used in aesthetics for the rejuvenation effect it has on the skin.



Plasma in our blood contains many factors essential for cell survival including nutrients, vitamins, electrolytes, growth factors, and proteins. Platelets from your own blood are used to stimulate collagen, elastin and cellular growth. It is used in aesthetics for the rejuvenation effect it has on the skin.

PRP improves skin texture, tone and hydration, reducing fine lines and wrinkles and tightens the skin.

PRP has also been widely studied and proven to prevent hair loss and promote and maintain new hair growth by increasing blood supply to the follicle and increasing the thickness of the hair shaft.

PRP has also been found to reduce the necessity and prolong the effects of dermal filler.

PRP treats:

  • Skin Laxity

  • Fine Lines and Wrinkles

  • Uneven Skin tone and Texture

  • Dehydrated Skin

  • Large Pores

  • Scars 

  • Hair thinning and hair loss


Best results are seen when following a healthy lifestyle and the blood sample taken is of good quality.

Results are seen approx. 2 - 3 weeks after one treatment, however more noticeable and long term results are seen after 3 - 4 treatments, spaced 4 - 6 weeks apart. Maintenance treatments are recommended 4 - 6. monthly.


Full Face $600

Full Face and Neck $700

One Targeted Area $350

Vampire Facial $600


4 x Full Face: $2200 (save $200)

4 x Full Face and Neck: $2600 (save $200)

4 x Targeted Area: $1200 (save $200)

Add PRP to Genius or Tixel treatments for $300 (Save $50)

Learn more about how PRP can enhance your results on our blog.

Available in both our Subiaco and Hillarys clinics.

There is ongoing improvement in the skin for up to 3 months after each treatment depending on the rate the patient grows collagen. 4-6 month maintenance treatments are recommended to upkeep results.

PRP is well tolerated however patient selection is important if predictable results are to be expected.

Advanced wrinkling cannot be reversed. Minimal improvement is predicted in persons with alcohol and tobacco abuse.

Severe scarring may not respond.


+ What to expect during treatment?

  • All injectable treatments require a thorough consultation with a registered nurse. At consultation you can discuss your desired outcomes and any concerns you may have. Infomed consent is obtained prior to treatment after your risks and side effects as well as aftercare have been discussed. Topical numbing cream can be applied prior to treatment upon request. Depening on the area/s being treated your appointmnet time may vary.

  • PRP is well tolerated however patient selection is important if predictable results are to be expected.

  • Results are seen at 2 – 3 weeks and improve gradually over several months with improvement in texture and tone.

  • Cosmeceutical and light therapy can enhance the results.

  • Advanced wrinkling cannot be reversed and minimal improvement is predicted in persons with alcohol and tobacco abuse.

  • Severe scarring may not respond.

+ How long do results last for?

There is ongoing improvement in the skin for up to 3 months after each treatment depending on the rate the patient grows collagen. Suggested maintanence appointments are at 4-6 months apart.

+ Are results immediate?

No. Swelling from the plasma is what you see and feel first. Once this has subsided you will not see much change at all. Over a few weeks, the platelets will stimulate the growth factors which will help assist with more collagen growth.

+ How many treatments are required?

This will depend on the health of your skin. Normally it is advised to have 3 - 4 treatments, 4 - 6 weeks apart.


  • If you are under the age of 18 years old

PRP is contraindicated for those who:

  • Have a medical condition that could worsen or spread with injections, such as an active infection, a metastatic disease, or certain skin disease,

  • Have a certain blood and bleeding disorders,

  • Are undergoing anticoagulation therapy (and cannot temporarily suspend treatment due to medical issue),

  • Are anaemic,

  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Specific contraindications include: platelet dysfunction, critical thrombocytopenia hypofibrinogenaemia, haemodynamic instability, sepsis, acute and chronic infections, chronic liver pathology, anticoagulation therapy, skin disease or cancer, severe metabolic or systemic disorders, and smokers (need more treatments).


  • Do not drink alcohol for minimum of 48 hrs before appointment

  • Avoid taking Aspirin or anti-inflammatory medication (Votaren, Nurofen) for 5-7 days prior to appointment

  • Avoid taking fish oils, evening primrose oil, garlic, echinacea, St Johns Wort, or Vitamin E for 5-7 days before appointment

  • If you bruise easily, taking Arnica tablets for 5-7 days prior to treatment can help minimise bruising

  • Ensure you have had plenty of water within the last 2 hrs to maintain hydration

  • Eat some solid food

+ What is the aftercare?

  • Patience is required; swelling may be present for several days. The swelling will subside, sleeping elevated will help

  • Avoid touching your face for at least two hours to allow injection sites to heal over

  • Wash your hands before touching injected areas to avoid introducing external infection

  • Gently massage area with a neutral cream to comfort

  • Your treated area will feel a bit tender for a few days. Keep the area free of oil based products, heavy cosmetics and thick moisturisers for at least 24 hours

  • Bruising may be reduced by the use of Arnica tablets and Bromelin Extract along with massaging in Hirudoid cream (all purchased from the pharmacy)

  • Avoid exposure to prolonged sunlight, rigorous exercise, saunas, hot baths and excessive amounts of alcohol, as this will increase the swelling and the possibility of bruising

  • Always get in touch with your practitioner if you have any concerns regarding side effects and healing progress