Unlike dermal fillers, skin boosters are used to hydrate and improve skin quality and texture rather than volumise. The treatment will target dehydrated, dull or rough skin, improving brightness and overall tone and texture. The product is a non-cross linked hyaluronic acid gel that allows smooth administration of micro injections underneath the surface of the skin. The non cross-linked technology allows the injections to be administered superficially, without creating lumps. Skin Boosters have a high concentration of hyaluronic acid as well as a combination of antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins and minerals all of which are naturally present in our skin, thus allowing new collagen formation boosting the radiance of skin and prevention against premature ageing.



Skin boosters, also known as micro filler, is an injectable treatment that hydrates, nourishes and rejuvenates the skin preventing premature skin ageing, restoring skin density, quality and glow. Common treatment areas include under eyes, around the mouth, hands, neck and décolletage.


Topical numbing cream is applied to the skin for approx 15 minutes prior to treatment. Skin boosters are then injected superficially into the dermis in small droplets. These droplets are visible on the skin for approximately 24 hours. Best results seen after 3 treatments 3 weeks apart with maintenance as required.


Target Area (1ml)

With Elayne and Flora $300 (package of 3 for $800)

With Erin $400 (package of 3 for $1100)

(common target areas include eyes, top lip, neck and accordion lines)

2 Areas (2mls)

With Elayne and Flora $550 (package of 3 for $1550)

With Erin $700 (package of 3 for $2000)

Full Face (3mls)

With Elayne and Flora $700 (package of 3 for $2000)

With Erin $900 (package of 3 for $2500)

Available in both our Subiaco and Hillarys clinics.

+ What should I expect during the treatment?

All injectable treatments require a thorough consultation with a Registered Nurse and consent from a Doctor prior to administration as skin boosters are a prescription medication. At consultation you can discuss your desired outcomes and any concerns you may have. Infomed consent is obtained prior to treatment after your risks and side effects as well as aftercare have been discussed.

Topical numbing cream will be applied before your treatment.

Skin booster is administered superficially using a fine, short needle in micro droplets to the desired area.

+ Are the results immediate and how long do skin boosters last?

The microdroplets are visible on the skin for approx 24 hours. Swelling and bruising can occur and can take up to 2 weeks to fully settle. Effects from skin boosters can be seen at approximately 7 days post treatment. It is recommeneded

+ What are the risks and side effects?

Common side effects include: swelling , bruising, redness and tenderness. Like all medical treatments, skin boosters carry a risk of adverse events occuring. These include infection, granuloma and vascular occlusion with potential blindnesss if the blood vesssels feeding the eye are occulded.

+ How long until I will see the final result?

Typically it will take approximately 2 weeks for skin boosters to settle and for the final treatment result to be seen.

+ Who cannot get skin boosters?

  • If you are pregnant or breast feeding
  • If you are under the age of 18 years old
  • If you have had vaccination within 2 weeks prior or plan to have a vaccination 2 weeks after your treatment
  • If you have had dental work within 2 weeks prior to your appointment or plan to have dental work 2 weeks after your appointment
  • If you have had cosmetic tattooing to the area within 2 weeks prior or plan to have cosmetic tattooing in the area within 2 weeks of your treatment
  • Those who are allergic to skin boosters, dermal fillers or lidociane cannot have dermal fillers
  • Certain medical issues such as epilepsy and autoimmune conditions are cautioned with skin booster treatment. If these conditions are well controlled it is unlikely there will be issues however this will be fully discussed with your practitioners prior to treatment

+ What should I do to prepare for my treatment?

  • Avoid alcohol, fish oil and anti-inflammatory medication for 48 hours prior to your appointment
  • Ensure you do not have any active infection in the area such as cold sores
  • Vaccinations should be either carried out 2 weeks before or 2 weeks skin booster treatments
  • Skin boosters cannot be administered if dental work has been withing the last 2 weeks or if it is planned in the 2 weeks after the appointment. This will reduce the risk of infection
  • Ensure you do not have international travel commitments within 2 weeks of your appointment
  • Ensure you are not pregnant or breast feeding. If you are currently trying to become pregnant, it is important to know on the day of treatment that you are not pregnant

+ What is the aftercare?

  • Apply cold compress on day or treatment and next day as required
  • Avoid alcohol, exercise and anti-inflammatory medication for 24/48 hours post treatment as this will minimise bruising and swelling
  • Hirudoid cream (availabale from pharmacies) can help reduce bruising and swelling and can be applied from 24 hours post treatment
  • Do not touch or massage the area within 24 hours to reduce risk of infection
  • Do not apply make-up to the area until the following day
  • Allow 3 weeks for full settling before critically evalutaing the outcome of the treatment