What is Sculptra?
Sculptra is a unique, collagen-stimulating treatment designed to restore volume and rejuvenate your skin. Unlike traditional fillers, Sculptra replaces volume loss; it works beneath the surface to stimulate collagen production, improving skin elasticity and texture over time. Its active ingredient, poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), encourages your body to rebuild its natural framework, resulting in a firmer, more youthful appearance.
What Are the Indications for Sculptra?
Sculptra is ideal for addressing:
Facial volume loss caused by ageing or weight changes.
Fine lines and deep wrinkles.
Skin laxity and sagging.
Overall skin rejuvenation for improved tone and texture.
Benefits of Sculptra
Natural Results: Gradual collagen production creates a subtle, refreshed look.
Long-Lasting Effects: Results can last up to two years depending on lifestyle and genetic factors.
Minimally Invasive: Quick treatment sessions with minimal downtime.
Improved Skin Quality: Enhanced elasticity and firmness over time.
$1700 for 2 vials
$850 for 1 vial
+ What should I expect during the treatment?
Your Sculptra session will begin with a consultation to assess your needs and create a personalised treatment plan. The procedure itself takes 30-45 minutes. The product is injected into targeted areas. Post-treatment, mild swelling or redness may occur but typically resolves within 24-48 hours.
+ Are the results immediate and how long do results last?
Sculptra works differently from traditional dermal fillers. While you may notice some initial improvement, results develop gradually over several weeks as collagen production increases. With optimal treatment, the effects can last up to two years or longer.
+ What are the risks and side effects?
Common side effects include swelling, bruising, redness and tenderness. Like all medical treatments, Sculptra carries a risk of adverse events occurring. These include infection, granuloma and vascular occlusion with potential blindness if the blood vessels feeding the eye are occluded.
+ How long until I will see the final result?
Collagen takes time to rebuild, so full results typically appear 8-12 weeks after your first session. For best results, your practitioner may recommend multiple sessions spaced over a few months.
+ Who cannot get Bio-Remodelling Injections?
- If you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
- Have an active skin infection in the treatment area.
- Are allergic to any components of Sculptra.
- Have a history of autoimmune disorders or are immunocompromised.
+ What should I do to prepare for my treatment?
- Avoid alcohol, fish oil and antinflammatories for 48 hours prior to your appointment
- Ensure you do not have any active infection in the area such as cold sores
- Vaccinations should be either carried out 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after treatments
- Treatment cannot be administered if dental work has been withing the last 2 weeks or if it is planned in the 2 weeks after the appointment. This will reduce the risk of infection
- Ensure you do not have international travel commitments within 2 weeks of your appointment
- Ensure you are not pregnant or breast feeding. If you are currently trying to become pregnant, it is important to know on the day of treatment that you are not pregnant
+ What is the aftercare?
- Apply cold compress on day of treatment and next day as required
- Avoid alcohol, exercise and anti inflammatories for 24/48 hours post treatment as this will minimise bruising and swelling
- Hirudoid cream (availabale from pharmacies) can help reduce bruising and swelling and can be applied from 24 hours post treatment
- Do not touch or massage the area within 24 hours to reduce risk of infection
- Do not apply make-up to the area until the following day
- Allow 6 weeks for full settling before critically evaluating the outcome of the treatment